I had completely forgotten that Brian had used to smoke a pipe at all! I am sure it is one of the reasons I always liked the smell of tobacco smoke: it reminded me of my wildly debating, highly opinionated uncles talking into the small hours. And, yes, whiskey was as important an ingredient as the politics. But I also remember building a snowman with Brian and Finn as a tiny boy; Pat having taken Tracey and I up to Daventry for a visit: the five of us knee-deep in snow...and us returning frozen but grinning to Charlotte, who warmed us and fed us with kindness. But the talking is what abides; and Brian's voice, with its change of cadence when he really was emphasising a point, is what lingers in my memory the most. It reminds me there is still work to do. We will try to make the world a fairer place, Uncle Brian. God rest you now. Andrea and Tracey xxx
15th March 2021